Potential in Web3


With the steady and gradual shift of the web from the centralized web 2.0 to the decentralized web3, new use cases are emerging in this third iteration. Healthcare is one such industry where web3 is finding several practical applications.

We have all been seeing the use cases of web 2.0 around us. When the second iteration of the internet emerged, it introduced innovative technologies like telemedicine, Electronic Health Records, healthcare applications and more into healthcare. Although it proved beneficial to the human race, many things are at risk to access these technologies. Our data is at risk frequently due to the lack of transparency in the centralized servers. Anyone with access can easily tamper with the data and edit or delete it. This is a major concern in healthcare and among patients who access healthcare institutions. But this is not the case with web3.

Web3 in healthcare is revolutionizing data management of patients and assisting in having organized medical records. Day-by-day various services and solutions are being built in web3 for healthcare. It shows the rise and prominence of web3 in healthcare.

Web3 for healthcare is, thus, beneficial, offering several use cases like tracing fake medicines, data security, metaverse surgeries and more. Let us see how web3 can be used in healthcare and its use cases in the healthcare domain.

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